Raspberry Pi Pinout

Real-Time HAT

Real-Time HAT extends the Gigabit-Ethernet interface of the Raspberry Pi, adding professional networking functions. Typical applications are industrial real-time communication and network monitoring.

The HAT provides 3 Gigabit-Ethernet ports, one of which is connected to the Raspberry Pi's Ethernet port. Connection to the Raspberry Pi is realized via the GPIO connector and via a (short) Ethernet cable. The SPI0 interface is used for main configuration, using either CE0# or CE1#.

Additional information on use cases, programming interfaces etc. can be found on InnoRoute's website, which includes details on using the HAT as an endpoint in Time-Sensitive Networks, as a 3-port Ethernet switch, or to measure and monitor any kind of the traffic forwarded through the HAT.

To install the necessary software, use the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/InnoRoute/RealtimeHAT
cd RealtimeHAT


  • Made by InnoRoute GmbH
  • 40 pin header
  • EEPROM product ID
  • Needs 5v and 3v3 power
  • Uses 13 GPIO pins
  • Communication over SPI
  • Communication over I2C
  • 0x50: I2C0 - ID EEPROM
  • 0x24: I2C1 - PMIC
  • 0x43: I2C1 - IO Expander
  • More Information
  • GitHub Repository
Real-Time HAT